Abigail Clayton, Section Leader
The Flute section…it brings to mind only four words: So Hot, So Curvy. We are the sexiest section in the YPMB. Whether we’re flying through 16th notes high above the rest of the band or shaking our booty during spontaneous Flute Dance Parties, this is where the fun is at. Join our section and rise to an impeccably cool status. No other section shares our curviness, our love of dance, or our innate ability to filter into the sleek letter S on the field. Our curves are always perfect and we rock everyone’s world!
Even better, we’re full of surprises. Come to our section to find piccolos, oboes, recorders, and anything else that strikes the upper register. Whether you want to show off by playing top octave 32nd notes on your flute, beat-boxing while playing the Super Mario Brothers theme song, blowing air through your hands to produce the melody of Bulldog, or demonstrating that your hips don’t lie, either (yes, Shakira’s in our repertoire), you’ll find that you fit in better with us than you would in any uptight Q-tip marching band. Join the flute section and let loose!! (…and don’t worry, we never go to band camp.)
Questions? Email Abigail for more information.
Flute Fotos: