Section Leader: AJ LaConte
Welcome, friends, to the saxiest section of the YPMB! We are Sigma Alpha Chi, otherwise known as ΣΑΧ, otherwise known as the saxophones, otherwise known as the best decision you will ever make.
Style, skill, class, general attractiveness - we have all that and more. We’re so hot, we set off the smoke detectors. Ok, so we were making s’mores at the time, which may have added to the overall hotness in the room. But we set off the alarm… twice.
Who can join?
We welcome players of all different types of saxophones from all skill levels: from music majors to beginners. Haven’t played since 4th grade? It’s all good, join us! There are plenty of people in the YPMB who can teach you, rehearse with you, jam with you, and bake you cookies. Irrelevant? I would argue no.
What do we do?
Psh, more like what DON’T we do? We play during football, basketball, and hockey games. We’ve also been seen at soccer games and water polo matches. On top of all that athleticism, we have rehearsals, attack-banding events, parties, away trips, music arranging, and a lot of sweet band bonding. Join us in the saxophone section and you may get to…
- Bernie across the field of the Yale Bowl during halftime
- Pose for saxual photoshoots
- Perform live for a 300-person lecture (and consequently making it into the Yale Daily News)
- Feel ridiculously cool at every moment of every day (yes.)
How can you resist? Chill with us, and you’ll remember why you chose Yale over those other Q-tip ivies.
Questions? Comments? Jokes? Represent and send emails to AJ, the section leader!
Sax Photos: