Antonio Medina MY’19
Antonio Medina MY ‘19
Antonio is from Tampa, Florida, where as soon as it hits 45 degrees the people board up their homes and the alligators hibernate for the winter (or something like that). Since he was 8 years old he helped his parents out in their small business: delivering bouncy castles to birthday parties all across the Tampa Bay.
Antonio likes to attribute the boundless energy he has at YPMB events to his experience in the lucrative world of inflatable bounce houses, because if you can work with crazy, hyped up 6 year olds, you can work with the YPMB. Antonio loves playing and watching baseball and likes to act all tough but will immediately squeal if you show him a puppy gif.
On the rare occasion that Antonio isn’t with the YPMB, you’ll probably find him either playing saxophone with the Yale Concert Band or building gadgets (e.i. helping the squids build show props!) at the Yale Center for Engineering, Innovation, and Design. Before he was Drum Major, Antonio served as the band’s Head STUDent arranger and before that as Social Chair. He still loves to write music for the band and of course, be social. He also loves to meet new people and convince them to join band!