YPMB 2020-2021

Director Thomas C. Duffy
Business Manager Stephanie Hubbard
Drum Major Elizabeth Calabresi
Manager Patrick Cherry
Production Managers Eleazar Camez, Claire Nelson, Alex Wynn
Equipment Managers Iman Jaroudi, Tristan Weaver
Social Chairs Afia Kuragu, Victoria Winter
Freshperson Representative Michael Lee
Stud. Arranger Matt Tu
Media Specialist Natalia Taylor
Section Leaders Upper Woodwinds: Catherine Zhang
Saxes: Alina Martel
Trumpets: Hailey Dykstra
Low Brass: Ben Christensen
Kappa Banga Banga: Emmy James, Laszlo Kopits
Squaaangs: Xilonem Perez Gonzaga
Performances were all-virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The YPMB made a “welcome to Yale video” for each residential college, and each fall athletic team. Videos were distributed through the Heads of Colleges, and through coaches.
  • Appealing to the fact that everyone was in the same isolated boat, the YPMB made a recruiting film about the “pandemic” marching band experience. See “Official Videos” below!
  • Keeping in line with its irreverent mission, the YPMB also made two mockumentaries. See “Official Videos” below!
  • Here is the link to the YPMB virtual recording of Down the Field by Stanleigh P. Friedman. https://youtu.be/wV00Dlk1gjE
  • Here is the link to the YPMB virtual recording of Love Drunk. https://youtu.be/r4mfukYuycMc
Paul Festersen Award  
Director’s Award  


Official Videos


Alumni Photos

Alumni Stories