YPMB 1976-1977
Director | Keith Brion |
Business Manager | Anne Orent / Ann Garvin |
President | Steven Margolin |
Drum Major | Alec Murphy |
Senior Manager | Gene Wexler |
Junior Manager | J. Hazen Graves |
Sophomore Manager | Sherman Cox |
Publicity Manager | Jack Lerner |
Personnel Manager | Susan Funk |
Historian | Randall Brion |
Head Scriptwriter | |
Announcer | |
Stud. Arranger | |
Section Leaders | |
Feature Twirler | |
Halftime Shows | |
Halftime Shows - Notable Moments |
Official Photos
Official Videos
Alumni Photos
Alumni Stories
Adrianne Cotterell:
«Do you know about the story of our drum major who was arrested by the New Haven police because we marched back from the Bowl through the streets of New Haven without a permit? Hence the battle cry “Free Alec!“ You can see “Alec is free“ on a drum in one of the photos from ’76. Drum major was Alec Murphy.»
«Most of the time when I was on the field I was laughing so hard that afterwards I couldn’t remember what we had just done! Most of the time, the first we heard the script was when we were on the field during the show. Do you still do it that way? We learned the music the afternoon before the game, then learned the formations the morning of. We only had “extra“ rehearsals for The Game.»
Susan Funk:
«Free Alec! I believe this was the season that drum major Alec Murphy, in a fit of exuberance over a particularly exciting football victory (over Dartmouth?) and a preference for exercise over waiting in traffic, led the YPMB in an impromptu parade back to campus, resulting in his being arrested for supposedly blocking an ambulance that had changed its route rather than drive through parting crowds. Alec, please correct and elaborate!»