MUSI 190. Yale Concert Band.

MUSI 190. Yale Concert Band.

The Yale Concert Band (MUSI 190) has academic status and all accepted auditionees will need to register for the class (MUSI 190) in the usual way. The class will be a Pass/Fail (No Credit) on a semester basis and will appear on students’ transcripts. Students accepted into the Yale Concert Band in the fall will not need to reaudition in the spring. There will be auditions for those wishing to join in the spring semester if places are available. 

1. Registering for MUSI 190.
Yale Concert Band MUSI 190 is a curricular class. As such, its rehearsal and performance times are protected against other classes scheduling exams and extra sessions during YCB times. You must receive specific permission from the YCB Director if you have a required class that meets during or overlaps with the YCB rehearsal time.

MUSI 190 will appear on student transcripts, which could be beneficial regarding Prizes, graduate school applications, and employment.

2. Attendance and Responsibilities for MUSI 190.
The scheduled meeting times for all YCB rehearsals and performances will be distributed at the beginning of the semester. Students must attend all YCB scheduled events. Only the YCB Director may issue an excused absence, which would be reserved for force majeures – including illness and family emergencies.

Students will be expected to provide class materials and ensure that their instruments are in good working order. Materials include reeds, mutes, sticks, and valve oil. In some cases, the Bands’ manager can help acquire these things. Students are required to prepare their assigned parts in a timely manner, and/or discuss any issues with the Director.

The Pass grade will be awarded to students who meet these requirements.