Listen to the Yale Jazz Ensemble

Welcome to the live stream.

Yale Jazz Ensembles Big Band Spring Concert
"Comrades in Jazz: Celebrating Musical Connections and Fellowship"
March 5, 2025, 7:30 p.m.
Morse Recital Hall in Sprague Memorial Hall



I See An Error
If you see, “Cannot load M3U8: 400 Bad Request” in the player window, it means that the live stream has not yet been turned on. The stream is typically turned on 15 minutes before the start of the concert.

I Don’t Hear Any Sound
Please confirm that your device’s volume is turned up and not muted. If you’re on a computer, also click on the speaker icon in the lower left corner of the player window and make sure the the volume is turned up. If you see the speaker icon with an X next to it, your player is muted. Click the icon to unmute.

Please contact us at with questions or comments about your streaming experience..