Low Brass
Section Leader: Ben Christensen
Low Brass likes things big.
First, of course, we’ve got the biggest instruments. Trombones, Mellophones, and sousaphones create the core of the band’s sound, and without us things would kind of epically fall apart. So if you want to be important, this is the place to be.
Beyond that, the Low Brass section has more than its fair share of the fun. Whether we’re bowling against the trumpets, rocking out on our hip section cheers, or just watching movies and getting dinner together, Low Brass knows how to have a good time and look good doing it. Yeah, every section is going to tell you they’re the coolest, sexiest, blah-blah-blah. But at the end of the day, they all just want to hang out with Low Brass– and actions speak louder than words, amiright?
And when the music starts, watch out. We can get pretty loud.
Got questions? Wanna join? Email Ben, the section leader!
Low Brass Photos: