Mike Stafford

Mike Stafford, Drum Major of the Yale Precision Marching Band 1999-2000, is a scholar and a gentleman. He returned to New Haven and the YPMB in the fall of “99, fresh off of his End World Hunger campaign spanning all seven continents and raring to go for a year of wagging his butt at hapless opponents.

In his time as a bandie Mike played the roles of a trumpet player, trumpet section leader, Bands social chair, Alumni guy, and high-stakes pimp. His present career has led him to leave most of those behind (not the pimp).

Other than leading the YPMB and waving his arms about, Mike’s final Yale project was to finish his senior year without any major blemishes on his transcript. To do this, he avoided the Yale campus entirely by working at Wilbur Cross, a local high school. At WCHS, he taught World History to ninth graders.

Displaying a shocking degree of maturity for a Member Of, Mike was gloriously married to his high school sweetheart, Margaret, in the summer of 2000.

Awwwwwwwwwww yeah.

Past Drum Majors